New tool for the transport sector
Every day all sorts of items must be transported from suppliers to recipients around the country – be it anything from small boxes with pencils to large refrigerators.
Lorries are loaded and unloaded. Goods are repacked and sorted before being dispatched to their final destination.
As an employee, you and your back put great effort into repacking, sorting and transporting parcels and goods. Whenever you move, lift or carry something, it is important that you protect yourself and your colleagues.
The Committee for Working Environment within the Transport Sector and Wholesale Trade (in Danish: BFA Transport) wants to emphasise the importance of good lifting techniques in warehouses and within the transport sector. For this purpose we have produced a series of videos and instruction sheets.
The idea is that the videos and instruction sheets are complementary to each other while they can also be used separately.
Show the videos at e.g. staff meetings, by introduction of new team members and at thematic meetings for the working environment organisation – or watch them as self-instruction.
Hand out the instruction sheets to your colleagues when they have been instructed in good working techniques. The instruction sheets can also be used for posting at the individual workplaces or in the canteen.
Make sure to link to this website from your intranet.
We at BFA Transport hope you will make use of this new tool which is free for you to use.
REMEMBER! Mind your back! It is your companion for life – so prevent back pain and injury!